Smart Garage Door Opener

Smart Garage Door Opener

Locks and doorbells protect your front door, but many of us use our garage doors just as much. Most of us welcome visitors and accept packages at our front doors, but in a lot of cases, the garage is the much more common point of entry into our homes.

If you’ve ever arrived home only to discover you left the garage door open all day, then you should get a smart garage-door opener controller. These small devices connect to your existing garage-door opener, and they allow you to open or close your garage door from anywhere, or to check on the door’s status, using an app or even a voice assistant like Alexa and Google Assistant. 

Think of a smart garage-door opener controller like a smart door lock: an excellent security and access tool for your home, vacation home, or rental property. You can open and close your garage door remotely, or use geolocation features to automatically shut the door for you, so you don’t need to worry about having left it open. Controllers can give you a heads-up if your garage door is accidentally left open, so you can close it from wherever you are—even if that’s just the couch. Some controllers can even close the door for you automatically (with a safety beep to warn anyone standing underneath it).

Schedule the smart plug to automatically turn most heavy duty electronics on and off as needed. No more forgetting about turning off your lights and save on your electricity bills.

The 2 outlets can be controlled individually and you could plug more than one devices at a time. Weather resistant and IP44 rated. Perfect for patio lighting, backyard string lights, Christmas lights, fountains, lamps, fans and other outdoor or indoor-use electric appliances.